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Quick Pick: How we get the winning numbers

// Generate a secure HMAC hash using the client seed, nonce, and server seed
$hexhash = hash_hmac("sha512", "$cseed-$nonce", $sseed);

// Convert the hexadecimal hash to a large GMP (arbitrary precision) integer
$dechash = gmp_init($hexhash, 16);

// Calculate the denominator for scaling (16^length_of_hash - 1)
$denominator = gmp_sub(gmp_pow(16, strlen($hexhash)), 1);

// Scale the large integer to a high-precision decimal by dividing by the denominator
// and multiplying by 10^20 to expand the range for better randomness
$dechash = gmp_div_q(gmp_mul($dechash, gmp_pow(10, 20)), $denominator);

// Convert the GMP decimal to a BCMath high-precision number, maintaining 20 digits of precision
$dechash = bcdiv($dechash, gmp_pow(10, 20), 20);

// Convert the high-precision decimal into a large integer pool for random number generation
$winning = bcmul($dechash, bcpow('10', '20'), 0);

// Remove the first two digits from the result to avoid any potential bias in the output
$winning = substr($winning, 2);

// Define the number of winning digits to generate (e.g., 4 numbers for this example)
$winning_digit = 4;

// Initialize an array to store the final winning numbers
$winning_array = [];

// Generate the winning numbers
for ($i = 0; $i < $winning_digit; $i++) {
    // Extract a 2-digit chunk from the large integer pool
    $chunk = substr($winning, $i * 2, 2);

    // Apply modulo operation to constrain the value within the desired range (0-49 for this example)
    $mod_value = (int)fmod(intval($chunk), 50);

    // Format the value as a 2-digit number and add it to the winning array
    $winning_array[] = str_pad($mod_value, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

// At this point, $winning_array contains the final winning numbers
// Example output for players: ["09", "25", "34", "47"]

Line Bingo: How we get the winning numbers

// Generate a secure HMAC hash using the client seed, nonce, and server seed
$hexhash = hash_hmac("sha512", "$cseed-$nonce", $sseed);

// Convert the hexadecimal hash to a large GMP (arbitrary precision) integer
$dechash = gmp_init($hexhash, 16);

// Calculate the denominator for scaling (16^length_of_hash - 1)
$denominator = gmp_sub(gmp_pow(16, strlen($hexhash)), 1);

// Scale the large integer to a high-precision decimal by dividing by the denominator
// and multiplying by 10^20 to expand the range for better randomness
$dechash = gmp_div_q(gmp_mul($dechash, gmp_pow(10, 20)), $denominator);

// Convert the GMP decimal to a BCMath high-precision number, maintaining 20 digits of precision
$dechash = bcdiv($dechash, gmp_pow(10, 20), 20);

// Convert the high-precision decimal into a large integer pool for random number generation
$winning = bcmul($dechash, bcpow('10', '20'), 0);

// Remove the first two digits from the result to avoid any potential bias in the output
$winning = substr($winning, 2);

// Initialize an array to store 5 single-digit winning numbers
$winning_array = [];

// Extract 5 single-digit numbers from the processed pool
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
    // Extract a single digit at position $i
    $digit = substr($winning, $i, 1);
    // Add the extracted digit to the winning array
    $winning_array[] = $digit;

// At this point, $winning_array contains 5 single-digit winning numbers
// Example output for players: ["3", "7", "4", "1", "9"]

High-Low: How we get the winnings numbers

// Generate a secure HMAC hash using the client seed, nonce, and server seed
$hexhash = hash_hmac("sha512", "$cseed-$nonce", $sseed);

// Convert the hexadecimal hash to a large GMP (arbitrary precision) integer
$dechash = gmp_init($hexhash, 16);

// Calculate the denominator for scaling (16^length_of_hash - 1)
$denominator = gmp_sub(gmp_pow(16, strlen($hexhash)), 1);

// Scale the large integer to a high-precision decimal by dividing by the denominator
// and multiplying by 10^20 to expand the range for better randomness
$dechash = gmp_div_q(gmp_mul($dechash, gmp_pow(10, 20)), $denominator);

// Convert the GMP decimal to a BCMath high-precision number, maintaining 20 digits of precision
$dechash = bcdiv($dechash, gmp_pow(10, 20), 20);

// Convert the high-precision decimal into a large integer pool for random number generation
$winning = bcmul($dechash, bcpow('10', '20'), 0);

// Remove the first two digits from the result to avoid any potential bias in the output
$winning = substr($winning, 2);

// Initialize an array to store 5 two-digit winning numbers
$win = [];

// Extract 5 two-digit numbers from the processed pool
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
    // Extract a 2-digit chunk starting at position $i * 2
    $digit = substr($winning, $i * 2, 2);
    // Add the extracted two-digit number to the win array
    $win[] = $digit;

// At this point, $win contains 5 two-digit winning numbers
// Example output for players: ["12", "34", "56", "78", "90"]

Lucky 7s: How we get the winning numbers

// Generate a secure HMAC hash using the client seed, nonce, and server seed
$hexhash = hash_hmac("sha512", "$cseed-$nonce", $sseed);

// Convert the hexadecimal hash to a large GMP (arbitrary precision) integer
$dechash = gmp_init($hexhash, 16);

// Calculate the denominator for scaling (16^length_of_hash - 1)
$denominator = gmp_sub(gmp_pow(16, strlen($hexhash)), 1);

// Scale the large integer to a high-precision decimal by dividing by the denominator
// and multiplying by 10^20 to expand the range for better randomness
$dechash = gmp_div_q(gmp_mul($dechash, gmp_pow(10, 20)), $denominator);

// Convert the GMP decimal to a BCMath high-precision number, maintaining 20 digits of precision
$dechash = bcdiv($dechash, gmp_pow(10, 20), 20);

// Convert the high-precision decimal into a large integer pool for random number generation
$winning = bcmul($dechash, bcpow('10', '20'), 0);

// Remove the first two digits from the result to avoid any potential bias in the output
$winning = substr($winning, 2);

// Initialize an array to store 5 single-digit winning numbers
$winning_array = [];

// Extract 5 single-digit numbers from the processed pool
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
    // Extract a single digit at position $i
    $digit = substr($winning, $i, 1);
    // Add the extracted digit to the winning array
    $winning_array[] = $digit;

// At this point, $winning_array contains 5 single-digit winning numbers
// Example output for players: ["3", "7", "4", "1", "9"]

Pick Six: How we get the winning numbers

// Generate a secure HMAC hash using the client seed, nonce, and server seed
$hexhash = hash_hmac("sha512", "$cseed-$nonce", $sseed);

// Convert the hexadecimal hash to a large GMP (arbitrary precision) integer
$dechash = gmp_init($hexhash, 16);

// Calculate the denominator for scaling (16^length_of_hash - 1)
$denominator = gmp_sub(gmp_pow(16, strlen($hexhash)), 1);

// Scale the large integer to a high-precision decimal by dividing by the denominator
// and multiplying by 10^20 to expand the range for better randomness
$dechash = gmp_div_q(gmp_mul($dechash, gmp_pow(10, 20)), $denominator);

// Convert the GMP decimal to a BCMath high-precision number, maintaining 20 digits of precision
$dechash = bcdiv($dechash, gmp_pow(10, 20), 20);

// Convert the high-precision decimal into a large integer pool for random number generation
$winning = bcmul($dechash, bcpow('10', '20'), 0);

// Remove the first two digits from the result to avoid any potential bias in the output
$winning = substr($winning, 2);

// Initialize an array to store 5 two-digit winning numbers
$win = [];

// Extract 5 two-digit numbers from the processed pool
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
    // Extract a 2-digit chunk starting at position $i * 2
    $digit = substr($winning, $i * 2, 2);
    // Add the extracted two-digit number to the win array
    $win[] = $digit;

// At this point, $win contains 5 two-digit winning numbers
// Example output for players: ["12", "34", "56", "78", "90"]

Magic Dice: How we get the winning numbers

// Generate a secure HMAC hash using the client seed, nonce, and server seed
$hexhash = hash_hmac("sha512", "$cseed-$nonce", $sseed);

// Convert the hexadecimal hash to a large GMP (arbitrary precision) integer
$dechash = gmp_init($hexhash, 16);

// Calculate the denominator for scaling (16^length_of_hash - 1)
$denominator = gmp_sub(gmp_pow(16, strlen($hexhash)), 1);

// Scale the large integer to a high-precision decimal by dividing by the denominator
// and multiplying by 10^20 to expand the range for better randomness
$dechash = gmp_div_q(gmp_mul($dechash, gmp_pow(10, 20)), $denominator);

// Convert the GMP decimal to a BCMath high-precision number, maintaining 20 digits of precision
$dechash = bcdiv($dechash, gmp_pow(10, 20), 20);

// Convert the high-precision decimal into a large integer pool for random number generation
$winning = bcmul($dechash, bcpow(10, 20), 0);

// Remove the first two digits from the result to avoid any potential bias in the output
$winning = substr($dechash, 2);

// Extract the next four digits and format the result
$integer_part = substr($winning, 0, 2); // Get the first two digits as the integer part
$decimal_part = substr($winning, 2, 2); // Get the next two digits as the decimal part

// Combine the integer and decimal parts into a formatted number with two decimal places
$winning = bcmul($integer_part . "." . $decimal_part, 1, 2);

// At this point, $winning contains a formatted number (e.g., "12.34")

Mini Keno: How we get the winning numbers

// Generate a secure HMAC hash using the client seed, nonce, and server seed
$hexhash = hash_hmac("sha512", "$cseed-$nonce", $sseed);

// Convert the hexadecimal hash to a large GMP (arbitrary precision) integer
$dechash = gmp_init($hexhash, 16);

// Calculate the denominator for scaling (16^length_of_hash - 1)
$denominator = gmp_sub(gmp_pow(16, strlen($hexhash)), 1);

// Scale the large integer to a high-precision decimal by dividing by the denominator
// and multiplying by 10^500 to expand the range for better randomness
$dechash = gmp_div_q(gmp_mul($dechash, gmp_pow(10, 500)), $denominator);

// Convert the GMP decimal to a BCMath high-precision number, maintaining 500 digits of precision
$dechash = bcdiv($dechash, gmp_pow(10, 500), 500);

// Convert the high-precision decimal into a large integer pool for random number generation
$winning = bcmul($dechash, bcpow('10', '500'), 0);

// Remove the first two digits from the result to avoid any potential bias in the output
$winning = substr($winning, 2);

// Initialize arrays to store the winning numbers and track used numbers
$winning_array = [];
$used_numbers = [];
$i = 0;

// Step 3: Forward extraction loop to extract 10 unique two-digit numbers between 0 and 39
while (count($winning_array) < 10 && $i < 250) {
    // Extract a 2-digit chunk from the winning number pool
    $chunk = substr($winning, $i * 2, 2);

    // Skip if the chunk is less than 2 digits long
    if (strlen($chunk) < 2) {

    // Convert the chunk to an integer
    $chunk_int = intval($chunk);

    // Only accept numbers between 00 and 79
    if ($chunk_int <= 79) {
        // Scale the number to fit within 0-39
        $scaled_number = (int)fmod($chunk_int, 40);

        // Ensure the number is unique
        if (!in_array($scaled_number, $used_numbers)) {
            $winning_array[] = str_pad($scaled_number, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
            $used_numbers[] = $scaled_number;

// Step 4: Fallback extraction loop (reverse extraction)
// If fewer than 10 numbers are found, extract from the end of the pool
if (count($winning_array) < 10) {
    $j = strlen($winning) / 2 - 1;
    while (count($winning_array) < 10 && $j >= 0) {
        // Extract a 2-digit chunk from the winning number pool
        $chunk = substr($winning, $j * 2, 2);

        // Skip if the chunk is less than 2 digits long
        if (strlen($chunk) < 2) {

        // Convert the chunk to an integer
        $chunk_int = intval($chunk);

        // Only accept numbers between 00 and 79
        if ($chunk_int <= 79) {
            // Scale the number to fit within 0-39
            $scaled_number = (int)fmod($chunk_int, 40);

            // Ensure the number is unique
            if (!in_array($scaled_number, $used_numbers)) {
                $winning_array[] = str_pad($scaled_number, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                $used_numbers[] = $scaled_number;

// Step 5: Third fallback loop (extract odd-indexed numbers from the start)
if (count($winning_array) < 10) {
    for ($k = 1; $k < strlen($winning); $k += 2) { // Only odd indices
        $chunk = substr($winning, $k, 2); // Get two digits starting at odd index
        if (strlen($chunk) < 2) {
        $chunk_int = intval($chunk);
        if ($chunk_int <= 79) {
            $scaled_number = (int)fmod($chunk_int, 40);
            if (!in_array($scaled_number, $used_numbers)) {
                $winning_array[] = str_pad($scaled_number, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
                $used_numbers[] = $scaled_number;
        if (count($winning_array) >= 10) {
            break; // Exit if we have 10 numbers
// At this point, $winning_array contains 10 unique two-digit numbers between 0 and 39
// Example output for players: ["07", "12", "23", "34", "09", "01", "28", "17", "35", "03"]

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Server Seed & Hash: [MATCH]

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